Scope of application: All commercial transactions concluded between “NV HANDELSKWEKERIJ WILLAERT”, with its registered office at 8800 ROESELARE, Hazegoedweg 5, with company number BE0431.911.504 (hereinafter “Willaert”) and the customer, both closed at the registered office of Willaert, if closed via the webshop http: // www. (hereinafter the “webshop”), if orders or purchases made remotely (fax, mail, etc.) are governed by these general terms and conditions. NV BOOMKWEKERIJ WILLAERT is a tree nursery specializing in garden plants of the highest quality (hereinafter “the products”) and is committed to selling to professional customers both through its web shop and at its registered office. By placing his order / purchase, the customer acknowledges having taken note of and accepting Willaert's general terms and conditions. These conditions always take precedence over the customer's conditions, even if they determine that they are the only ones. These general terms and conditions do not affect the legal rights that would be compulsorily granted to the customer under Belgian law. The possible nullity of one or more clauses from these conditions does not affect the applicability of all other clauses. In the event of nullity of one of the provisions, Willaert and the customer will negotiate, to the extent possible and in accordance with their loyalty and conviction, to replace the invalid provision with an equivalent provision that corresponds to the general spirit of these general terms and conditions. The fact that Willaert fails to demand strict application of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions cannot be considered an implied waiver of the rights that Willaert has under these terms and does not prevent Willaert from subsequently demanding strict compliance with those provisions. Willaert reserves the right to adjust or change its general terms and conditions at any time. It is the responsibility of the customer to consult these conditions regularly.