The Willaert offices are optimally insulated. Timers and sensors are used to ensure that lights do not stay on unnecessary.
Rainwater is collected in a collection basin of 11,000 m³. In addition, residual water from sprinkling and rainwater is recovered on the pavement of the Cash and Carry.
Paper and cardboard, PMD, foil, plant trays, metal, wood and batteries are collected separately and then collected by recycling companies. Compost is made from the plant residues.
Sustainable entrepreneurship
Willaert uses environmentally friendly long-life packaging, CC containers, wooden pallets and boxes, iron boxes and reusable peat crates.
A well-organized logistics system ensures optimal use of the transport fleet, avoiding unnecessary routes and travel times. Our vehicles meet the Euro 6 standard.
Stationery, envelopes, catalogs, you name it, are printed on FSC certified paper. Furthermore, invoicing is done digitally and the catalog is only printed on request.
Recently, a bee- and butterfly-friendly border of 8 m wide was constructed on the Willaert site around the company and the car park.
A large part of the production of aquatic plants is supplied in biodegradable P7 pots.